Failing to seize the moment again
Dear judge Mbadwa,
If lies were some precious food, Nyasas would have nutritiously improved, my lord, because they have been fed a lot of lies lately and without apology, too.
My lord, we know that the fuel crisis has been raging since the time Lazaro went to Unga with no solution in sight and we have moved from deadline to new deadline and perceived solution to another promise.
Those who are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring there i s constant supply of fuel have been stammering their way through explanations and excuses, ranging from lies to half-truths.
My lord, we have been experiencing one of the worst fuel crises in the history of Nyasaland, but it is the silence from the ruling cockerel that keeps on intriguing me.
Just days ago, we were told that salvation had finally come. A whole Cabinet minister was busy telling us how under the wise and dynamic leadership of Lazaro, they have managed to secure 51 million litres of fuel blah-blah- blah.
A schedule was drawn when the fuel would arrive in the country, only to see a notice cal l ing for potent ial transporters to ferry the product in the next 30 days.
Me a nw h i l e , t h e crisis rages on and we don’ t k n ow who to believe now. My lord, I believe there are a lot of scavengers in the Cockerel government that are ready to feed on avai lable meat of progress to fi l l their stomachs in the name of kupanga za ana awo, which is pure greed.
The sad part is that Lazaro seems not to understand that most of the people surrounding him are pursuing self-interests at the detriment of the nation.
My lord, we know that Lazaro likes to speak in a manner that suggests he is finally reining in chaos, but the reality on the ground takes away the performance of his words.
As I keep on saying, this idea of governing in prose after promising the masses in poetry is an anti-climax really, but I blame his handlers for maximising personal interests.
We have been on this path before from 2020 when catalogued deals were billed as game-changers, but have not yet been realised. My lord, we all remember the Abu Dhabi fuel deal of 2022, the K28 billion solar energy deal and many more that were hyped, but never saw the light of the day.
What am I saying? We fail to seize the moment to help us redeem ourselves out of political dire straits.
Anyway, it is wel l chronicled that politicians are as conservative as village heads as they rarely seize the moment.
John Citizen