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Govt approves Kabambe’s retirement after 5 years

Five years af ter former Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) governor Dalitso Kambambe tendered his resignation from the public service, the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) ha s moved to approve the decision.

In a letter addressed to Kabambe, who is now UTM Party president, the OPC said the retirement is with effect from January 16 2025.

Kabambe: I resigned long time ago

Reads the letter in part: “I write to inform you that, notwithstanding the interdiction order is sued against you on 17th November 2023 and the pending disciplinary process, government has accepted your request to retire from your position as Principal Secretary (PS) at Grade C in the Office of the President and Cabinet.”

The letter signed by Secretary to the President and Cabinet Colleen Zamba has also referred to the communication from Kabambe’s lawyer to the government, stating: “I refer to the letter from your legal practitioners, TF & Partners of 10th November 2020 bearing Ref. 6882MC/cn to the Attorney General which has been passed to this office.

“In that letter, it was acknowledged that you are still employed in the civil service and you indicated your option to go for early ret i rement as provided for under Malawi Public Service Regulation (MPSR) 1:184(2)(c) since you have not reached the mandatory retirement age yet.”

Zamba also referred to Kabambe’s letter dated January 8 2021 in which he made reference and endorsed the letter from his lawyers.

OPC spokesperson Robert Kalindiza prayed for time to consult when asked to confirm the development, but in a brief response on Thursday, Kabambe acknowledged receipt of the letter and maintained that he resigned “long time ago”.

The acceptance of Kabambe’s resignation ends a lengthy stand-off between the two parties centred on whether Kabambe, a former PS for Foreign Affairs, was still a civil servant, having been appointed RBM governor in 2017.

Government had insisted that he was at the central bank on secondment, assertions he denied owing to his appointment.

In an inter view on Thursday, private practice lawyer Gladwell Majekete said there was no legal justification to delay acceptance of Kabambe’s retirement decision.

The Constitution under Section 193 (2) and the Malawi Public Service Regulations prohibit civil servants from being involved in active politics.

In 2021, government interdicted Kabambe following his arrest over a l l eged fal s i f ication of some documents purportedly in an attempt to convince the International Monetary Fund that Malawi was meeting Extended Credit Facility benchmarks.

He denies wrong-doing and asser ts that the charges are politically motivated.

He wa s removed as RBM governor in 2020 after the Tonse Al l iance government- l ed by President Lazarus Chakwera, ousted the Democratic Progressive Party adminstration.

Following his removal, he filed a K1 billion claim as terminal benefits and breach of contract. He had nine months and 16 days remaining on his RBM contract at the time he was replaced with Wilson Banda.

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