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House committee dates Macra on K2.6bn IT deal

Parliamentary Committee on Media, Information and Communication is today set to meet the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra) to justify its intention to procure a machine for tracking misinformation and disinformation.

The meeting follows a request by civil society organisations (CSOs) Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and Youth and Society (YAS) for the committee to use its powers to compel Macra to halt the procurement of the system worth $1.5 million (about K2.6 billion).

Jusfified the deal: Suleman

In an interview yesterday, committee chairperson Susan Dossi confirmed receiving a letter from the two CSOs seeking their intervention on the Macra decision to procure the integrated information and communications technology (ICT) system.

She said the committee has since arranged a meeting with Macra today to hear its side of the story before it can make any decision.

Dossi: We will meet Macra officials.

On the committee’s position on the procurement Dossi said: “At the moment, I cannot say anything until we meet Macra as I have indicated. We are meeting Macra tomorrow [Friday] as a committee, so after that meeting, it is when I can give my comment.”

In a letter dated January 21 2023 signed by CHRR executive director Michael Kaiyatsa and his YAS counterpart Charles Kajoloweka, the two CSOs called on the Parliamentary Committee on Media, Information and Communication to intervene in the Macra deal and to take all necessary over s ight mea sures to compel the regulator to cancel the procurement of the machine.

But Macra director general Daud Suleman on Tuesday justified the decision to procure the machine, saying it is meant to fight misinformation and disinformation on public platforms.

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