Lessons from SA elections
South Africans went to the polls on Wednesday last week. As results started tricking in from Thursday, it was clear that the former president Jacob Zuma’s party, uMkhonto we Sizwe, has caused major upsets in certain provinces and certainly causing the ANC lose its majority.
It is clear at this point that MK party launched some six months, ago is a significant player in South African politics and those who were dismissive of its relevance must be having second thoughts.
One interesting aspect of the MK Party is a breakaway of the ANC. Zuma, quite a divisive figure in South African politics, does not in any way represent what good leadership looks like. However, lessons abound from the outcome of the SA elections.
The first lesson, which I hope our leaders are paying attention to is that there comes a time when the citizens get tired of being lied to and of unfulfilled promises that they will be willing to align with something relatively new.
Following discussions in SA prior to elections, South Africans were frustrated with poor service delivery, unfulfilled promises and leadership that is detached from its people.
Most young people spoke of unemployment and lack of opportunities, things that Malawians can relate with.
MK party’s performance in SA’s elections is a sign for our leaders that their positions are not guaranteed, it doesn’t matter how eloquent you are, but if your eloquence does not translate to action on the ground, the citizenry is ready to topple you down.
MK party’s performance is also a lesson leaders that once you have been put in those positions of authority, your ultimate allegiance is to the people that you serve. Unfortunately, we live in a country where our leaders don’t listen and never learn.