Queens fall to Australia’s Diamonds
Malawi Queens yesterday lost 83-34 to Australia’s Diamonds in a Test Series match played at Wollongong Entertainment Centre.
Before the Queens left for the Australia last Friday, analysts predicted doom for them after the coaching panel sidelined Tigresses stars Sindi Simutowe, Beatrice Mpinganjira, Grace Mwafulirwa Mhango and Laureen Ngwira on disciplinary grounds affecting their team.
According to Australian online publication Perthnow.com.au, the Queens were a spirited and athletic group, but they lacked the class, polish and fitness of the Diamonds.
“Diamonds blasted to a five-goal lead early before coughing up a swag of turnovers and Malawi took advantage to trail by just two at quarter-time…Malawi’s defensive pressure slumped and [they] struggled to get the ball into the goal circle, resulting in plenty of panic turnovers,” reported Perthnow.com.au.