
‘We need your help’

The rusty iron sheets gracing the roof of Luchenza Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church testifies to the fact that the temple has seen better days. Saturday last week, members of Luchenza SDA Church launched a campaign to raise funds for the renovation of the church. Our reporter WATIPASO MZUNGU JNRtalks to Pastor Jossen Ndalama to explain the background to the project.

Can you give us a brief background to the fundraising activity?

Allow me to give you a background of this church building first. The wall of this church was built in 1990, but because of lack of readily available resources then, roofing was done in 1992 using these common corrugated iron sheets.

Over the years, the sheets have developed rust, a sign that soon they may start leaking. As Christians who congregate in this house, we felt we couldn’t keep on waiting until the unpredictable happens.

God blesses us in so many ways and we can’t let his house fall apart on our watch. That would be very ungrateful of us to God. So, the fundraising activity we are launching today is simply aimed at helping us mobilise resources for the renovation of this temple.

As a church, we will be praying ceaselessly for the blessing of those who have chosen to contribute. And as it is written: “O Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a house for your holy name comes from your hand and is all your own”, those contributing are, in a way, acknowledging that what they have comes from God.

If you have not made a decision to contribute, please do so now because God will reward you abundantly.

What new things are you intending to bring as you renovate the church?

The notable improvement we intend to make is replacing the simple iron sheets that we initially used with IBR roof sheeting. We believe that the sheeting will make our temple more durable.

How much is need for the whole project and how much have you collected so far?

Those with the technical know-how have advised us to collect not less than K11 million (about $27 500). We have collected slightly over K1 million so far. But the journey is still long. We will need the assistance of the general public for us to realise our dreams.

What is your estimated timeline of the project?

We would like to start early August so that by November we are done. Our aim is to work within the dry season. But I must emphasise that this will depend on the response we will get from the public.

Apart from SDA members, are there donors or well-wishers willing to contribute towards this project?

Yes! In fact, we approached a number of people, including politicians, to support us. Some have pledged to help us while others are yet to respond. But we are very optimistic of positive responses from them.

Should there be someone out there interested to help, how does he find you?

Indeed, we welcome contributions and donations from anyone, including non-SDA members. Being a project to renovate the house of the Lord, we can’t set boundaries nor discriminate against those who feel the need to contribute to the building of the temple.

We have set up a committee to oversee the collection of donations and contributions. Those willing can find them here at Luchenza SDA Church, which is located in Kamthawire Village.

And as a resident pastor, I am always available to meet people. So, if some people would like to help us, they should feel free to come at any time. Alternatively, those living afar can call me on 0884 508 322 to get more information, including bank account details, where they can deposit their financial donations.

What are your final remarks?

I am calling upon members of this church to renew their spiritual lives as we renovate the house of the Lord. It would be meaningless for us to congregate in a decent temple yet our souls are filled with filth and dirt. So, as we renovate the temple, we, too, have to clean our hearts so that God can make a home within us.

Again, I am appealing to people of goodwill to support us as we build a decent home for the Lord. May God bless you all as you make a decision to contribute.

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