If I were

Bright Msaka

Chief Secretary to the Government, I would realise the need for government to act on concerns raised by Civil Servants Trade Union (CSTU) as regards poor conditions of service.

Yes, while the government is battling a severe cash squeeze, I would appreciate that the issue of civil servants is long overdue; hence, the need to find a way of compensating them, especially in the current era of bonya.

If only I were the big shot that is the Chief Secretary to the Government, I would realise that civil servants have genuine concerns considering the current high cost of living.

How I wish I were bwana Msaka, because I would seek President Dr. Joyce Banda’s intervention considering that the civil servants have waited long enough for their concerns to be addressed and that their patience is wearing thin.

I would further appreciate that there seems to be much progress between government negotiating team (GNT) and the unions; hence, the need for my intervention.

I would also appreciate that civil servants have a point in their argument that the 21 percent recent increase was a cushion against the current hardships.

I would also realise that it was grossly unfair to hike subsistence allowances for Cabinet members by almost 80 percent while neglecting the rest of the civil service. Hence, I would act promptly to avoid the planned two-day stay away.

That is if only I were the bright fella that is Msaka. Unfortunately, I am not him!

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