Let OPC set standards for everyone
Dear judge Mbadwa,
The shenanigans of the abuse of Covid-19 funds have rightly attracted public ire and from the speech of Lazaro in the aftermath of the revelations, and the arrests that have followed,he is not in the least amused.
But we have been on this path before as I have seen Lazaro frothing at the mouth with rage when it was discovered that certain officers in government, who have Mapuya’s DNA, were putting spanners into the works of Tokha Alliance so much that there has hardly been a perceived change.
He has talked about his resolve to see radical changes being implemented whether one likes it or not.
I really believe Lazaro and Sauli mean well and they are geared to Nyasaland citizens to Canaan land where milk and honey will be flowing in the drainage less and potholed roads of the country.
Of course people have argued that the cancerous cells of abuse in the civil service have developed such irreversible sepsis that only amputation of those affected parts can save it.
Now the affected parts include civil servants who have perfected the art of stealing whose seed was planted under the watch of chairman of the Yellow Party as the venerated legal mind Calm-Don would have it.
My lord, I am compelled to repeat what I said in one of my letters to you; To expect these bosses to embrace a new way of doing business when they operate like we are in 1994 is madness.
We will listen to those persuasive speech that promise action, action and more action, but as they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, I am prepared to see real change taking place starting from the Office of the President and Cabinet.
My Lord, you get the impression that the people tasked to implement some of the radical changes and action from the very president’s office are either operating on a different timeline or do not understand the meaning of servant leadership that Lazaro and Sauli have passionately advocated.
These bossy seniors do not appear to be accountable to anyone and put on some airs of arrogance that they call the shots. Transformation should begin with such type that disregards the need to act with speed on critical issues and to religiously follow the rule of law.
If charity should really start at home let the Office of the President and Cabinet be the first to embrace change and purge those stifling transformation.
My Lord, why it has taken long for Lazaro to come to his senses to face the demons trying to stop his transformation movement is something I am failing to understand.
My Lord, I think it was pointed out and I dare repeat that it is an exercise in futility to tame snakes in the hope that they will transform into some form of tilapia or chicken.
Let me sound religious now. Lazaro and Sauli need to drain the swamp with speed so that they should secure the harvest of transformation that the country is waiting for.
In this kind of management, you don’t let the tare grow with the wheat as in the biblical parable because the Tokha Alliance has only five years to deliver on the promises they made to the electorate.
John Citizen
With Emmanuel Luciano
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