Malawi fashion industry growing?
Fashion designers have said the fact that Malawi will host two national fashion weeks this year means that the industry is growing.
Fashion Malawi Edition (Fame) Designer of the year 2012 Yavinde Nyasulu said the two events are a great development for the industry.
“The fact that we are going to have two national fashion weeks means Malawi’s fashion industry is growing very fast and very overwhelming. All we need as designers is proper planning so that we must participate in both,” she said.
And in a separate interview, Rose Kaleke of Rozes Trendy Fashions concurred with Nyasulu that the two national fashion events would be eye-opening.
“I expect to learn a lot from my fellow Malawian and visiting designers because in this trade, we learn every day. I have very high expectations and I hope the general public will support the event,” said Kaleke, who won the top prize in the 2009 Summer Fashion Bonanza.
“Fashion industries have proved to be good platforms for generating foreign currency and have also assisted in reducing poverty in other countries,” she pointed out.
From May 30 to June 3, Elegant Resources in conjunction with African Dzuwa Magazine will hold the country’s first-ever fashion week in Lilongwe, where a pool of both local and international models as well as designers are billed to take part. Fame will follow with their fashion week from August 28 to September 2 in the capital as well.
Lilly Alfonso also expressed excitement about the development.
“It motivates people as we hear that big designers are showing interest to take part in the events. In the past, it was youngsters but now Rose Kaleke and Lucy Kwengwere are all coming in, meaning its making headway,” said Alfonso who has showcased her designs in London.