Big Man Wamkulu

My hubby can’t stand on his three feet

Dear BMW,

My husband does not cheat or drink. He stays at home the whole day eating, sleeping and watching soccer until midnight.

At first, I had no problem with him staying at home since he is jobless.

In fact, after knocking off from work, I would find a clean house, warm food and the pampering most women would only dream of.

That was until the bills started piling up, the house started becoming a mess and his performance in bed dwindled.

BMW, most women will tell you that they would swap for anything to have a house husband if he only helped paying the bills, lifted a finger to clean the house and does his job well as a hubby.

I am one of such women. But right now, Mr Hubby is not doing any of the above and, worse more, he can’t rise to the occasion when I am stressed.

I am really fed up with him. He claims he loves me, but I doubt him because I feel like he loves me for my money and the roof that I provide for his bald head.

Biggie, I can’t take this anymore and I want to walk out of this relationship.

Why is he failing to stand on his three feet? Please Help!

Tired Wife via

WhatsApp, Mzuzu

 Dear Tired Wife,

You have every right to be pissed off. I, too, have always regarded ‘kept men’ with contempt.

A man being dependent on a woman financially, even his own mother after a certain age, shows he is not much of a man. He is a boy masquerading as a man.

Most women will not give their time of day to a man who begs for money.

My wife recently told me that women admire men who they see as providers and protectors.

Having said that, I also understand that anyone—man or woman—can fall on hard times financially, so let’s be kind to one another.

What I can say, though, to women out there is that if your husband has lost his job, there is no problem for you to assume the role of breadwinner, and even giving him cash for his beer until he gets back to his ‘three’ feet again.

However, for as long as you are the one bringing home the bacon, tell the fool to step up his performance in bed or else you will leave him.

Secondly, tell the fool that he should start looking for jobs and helping around the house, because as it stands, to cut on bills you have to dismiss the maid.

Tell him his days of spending his time curled up on the couch, watching soccer or late night shows on TV are over.

In fact, draw up a grueling schedule to keep him busy during the day and if he thinks you are joking read to him 2 Thessalonians 3:10: “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

To you my brothers, if a woman is feeding you, keeping a roof over your head and even going the extra mile of giving you some money for beer, the least you should do is keep her happy at night.

It is a shame that such men find housework emasculating, but have no problem at all accepting money from a woman.

If a woman is paying for your upkeep, she better come home to sparkling house, no dishes in the sink, laundry done and folded and a warm dish waiting for her on the table, otherwise there is no way she is going to put up with a lazy bumbum.

Frankly speaking, if you are a house husband, bear in mind you can’t enjoy the treatment of a regular, proper husband.

 Learn to slave in the house and work your socks off in the bedroom.

As the wise ones say, you can’t cook a pie and eat it too! Ulesi basi!

My dearest Tired Wife, give the fool one final chance, if he doesn’t change, there is my number at the bottom of this column, give me a call and let’s see how we can move on from there (wink)!

Big Man Wamkulu

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