She denies me the goodies
Hello BMW,
I have afamily problem. The issue is that I don’t enjoy my family especially when it comes to sex.
My wife doesn’t miss me in bed, we stay as long as two months without sex. When I try to persuade her, she brings in flimsy excuses.
I have been having
Sometimes think of quitting but we have a child to raise and besides, we don’t
The moment we have it, she enjoys it much and even asks for another round. Should I find aside chick or I should call it quits? Help me BMW.
Geez! Two months, without exercising your marital obligation! You certainly must have the patience of one seeking to see the eyes of a snail.
Many a time
You fear your wife so much because you don’t want to displease her by ending the marriage
Deliberately, I ignore the fact that you are afraid of calling it quits because you have a child with her. You must be slight man to think that way.
Should you continue suffering in silence just because there is a child involved. Read the new Marriage, Relationships and Divorce Act from cover to cover and you will find where you want to divorce.
The courts know that any marriage is susceptible to divorce, only that some marriages,like yours, are as volatile as ethanol.
This is why the courts are there and they rule on who keep custody of the children and who will pay the alimony.
In these days of gender equity, much scrutiny has to be given on who should get the alimony, the man or the woman. So, spare me the ‘for the sake of the children’insinuations.
You may be afraid that ending the marriage will have it rough and tough as your wife is the one with greater economics. That is why you are still clinging to a woman who is slow and weak in bed.
I fail to see the logic in a man leaving his father, mother and sisters and tolerate two-month no sex. Your wife must be really selfish to deny you your conjugal rights for so long.
Even the Bible in
Only when the two want to draw closer to God. I don’t think your woman can be so prayerfulthat she can engage in prayer and fasting for two solid months.
Just a manly advice: I would rather you have a side
I will tell you this: Never take a woman’s ‘I’m tired’ line as gospel truth. Dump her, get on with your life, and I will tell you she will come back running for you the way