The 2025 we were waiting for is here
Dear judge Mbadwa,
My Lord, this time a few years ago, a Fort Manning-based business magnate, Iron Hill talked the talk that made the scales fall off the eyes of most Nyasa citizens.
It is not that he said anything that most of us didn’t know before, but he ascribed meaning and gave definition to the current Nyasaland malaise.
At the rate we were going, my lord, and even under the watch of Tokha Alliance before it disintegrated, our standards in the way of doing business have been too low to bring meaningful change.
My lord, it appears we chose not to listen to Iron Hill because the people who are supposed to lead in ushering change appear to have lost interest as long as they benefited from the chaos that mediocrity generates.
We knew all along that corruption of greed has spread its tentacles among people of influence so much that politicians in power and public officers grab every opportunity to make a killing at the expense of the nation.
Despite a semblance of change brought about by a Cabinet reshuffle that reshuffled nothing, I don’t think there are many ministers or senior government officials who are genuinely occupying that seat to advance the interests of the nation.
Just as I don’t think those who are currently wooing us to buy into their philosophy really mean anything they say apart from finding a way to have access to the country’s treasures so that they be plundered at will again.
Talking about those pretenders who have been retained, my lord, all they want is to maximise illegitimate wealth creation as long as they operate within the ‘it has pleased the President’ to keep you in government.
And they have gullible media teams, which survive on the accursed riches, supporting these people without integrity and they do not hesitate to pounce on anyone who dare accuse their paymasters of being corrupt
How people in the past years have perfected the script of abuse that was authored by Mapuya and his Demagogic People’s Party is something that boggles my mind, my lord.
My lord, Nyasaland is not some deceased estate that has to be shared among some greedy uncles and aunties at the expense of the widows and orphans who are the citizens.
Then there are compromised inspectors who approve sub-standard works all the time and to imagine that they sleep soundly every night after making a decision that is against their conscience! Ambuye akueyendereni mwapadera chaka chino.
What about the fate of so many bright young men and women, my lord, who are afraid of taking risks themselves and are reduced to taking instructions from idiots?
Stop complaining about the economy that is in an intensive care unit when you have left ward attendants to conduct major economic surgeries.
My lord, as Iron Hill had sobered many of us then, let this year be an opportunity to redeem our nation, my lord, and it starts right in everyone playing their rightful role as citizens to foster change.
I hope the New Year’s resolutions will reflect the ideals of integrity that every citizen should internalise to push the nation forward.
By the way, time seems to be running out for parties to convince the citizens that they have what it takes to form the next government.
John Citizen.