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Trump sworn in, calls moment‘ liberation day’

 US President Donald Trump was yesterday sworn in as that country’s 47th President, describing the moment as “liberation day” for the country and the start of “the golden age”.

The President highlighted a number of challenges he said have been impeding Americans, including rising prices of commodities and government’s failure to render basic services.

Trump: It’s the start of a golden age for America.

Trump, 78, who has succeeded Joe Biden, also said the government failed to manage crises.

He also listed a number of Executive orders he said he would sign, saying he would declare a national emergency at the Mexican border and send troops to crack down on illegal immigration.

“Today, I will sign a series of historic Executive orders. With these actions, we will begin the complete restoration of America and the revolution of common sense,” said Trump, who also served as 45th President, in his speech watched by millions of people across the globe.

But Mexico Foreign Ministry told NBC News that Trump was making the decision on his “Remain in Mexico” policy unilaterally, without the count r y ’s agreement, which could be hard to implement.

However, Trump said the American forces will be used for one purpose to defeat America’s enemies.

The Republican said the country will now be measured by the wars it ends and how it does not get involved in other conflicts.

Above that, he said the country will be “peacemaker and unifier.

Incoming White House officials said the first wave of Executive orders, reversals of outgoing Biden’s policies and restructuring of the f eder a l government workforce.

Former presidents Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton attended the inauguration.

Before his inauguration, Trump met Biden at the White House before travelling to the venue together using a shared presidential limousine.

Several world leaders , including King Charles of the UK sent congratulatory messages of congratulations to Trump on his inauguration.

Trump won the November 5 election after defeating the then vice-president Kamala Harris in the November 5 election.

Trump has made a comeback, having served as president from 2017 to 2021 when he lost to Biden.

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