Heavy rains bring mixed fortunes
Malawians prayed for good rains after prolonged droughts that wilted most crops, but when the rains fell at the weekend, they came with mixed fortunes as damage to infrastructure and crops loomed large.
In the aftermath of the rains, two people died while roads and houses were damaged and some crop fields washed away in various parts of the country.

Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (Met) director Lucy Mtilatila in an interview said yesterday that the rains covered a bigger part of the Southern Region and some areas in the Central Region.
“We received significant amounts of rain with Thyolo and Blantyre recording over 40 millimetres of rain while in Chikwawa the rains measured 85 millimetres,” she said.
In Mangochi, the rains damaged the right-hand lane of the Monkey Bay Mangochi Road at Mtonda Primary School located about seven kilometres from Sun ‘N’ Sand Holiday Resort junction.
The situation forced motorists going in either direction to take the risk to use one lane of the road to pass through the section.
Benesi Issa, who operates a fish business, said the road is a lifeline to the people of Traditional Authority Nankumba because they use it to transport fish to other districts and to access health, banking and other services services at Mangochi Boma.
Roads Authority chief executive officer Ammiel Champiti said the authority was still assessing the damage and rehabilitation works were yet to start.
He said: “You will be informed when the works are completed and if there are any other incidences of damage to road infrastructure.”
In Phalombe, two people died on Saturday at Mua Vi l lage in Tradi tiona l Authority Chiwalo when the area experienced heavy ra i ns accompan i ed by thunderstorms and lightning.
Phalombe Police Station public relations off icer Sergeant Jimmy Kapanja said the two died after lightning struck 14 members of a group which was holding a meeting.
He said 12 others were treated as outpatients at Nambazo Health Centre in the district after suffering various injuries.
Ntchisi District Council spokesperson James Mwale said more than 17 households have been affected after rains damaged their houses in the area of Senior Chief Malenga in the district.
He said rains have also damaged crops such as maize and the council was still assessing the extent of damage.
Heavy rains have also destroyed crops in Ntcheu, according to district council spokesperson Maston Kaiya.
Department of Disaster Management Affairs public relations officer Chipiliro Khamula said the department wi l l release a report on disasters soon.
Meanwhile, Met ha s forecasted more heavy rains up to Sunday, January 26 2025 with the risk of flooding in some areas.
In December 2024, Malawi experienced Cyclone Chido which affected 45 162 people, including 29 who sustained injuries while 13 people died.