
Women’s Guild celebrates Mother’s Day with patients

Sharing love with those in need: Members of the guild
Sharing love with those in need: Members of the guild

Typical of loving mothers, members of St Paul’s CCAP Church Women’s Guild in Chiwembe, Blantyre, on Mother’s Day could not go to the lake or stay in-doors waiting for honour and gifts from their children when patients were groaning in pain in hospitals.

Instead, the members extended their love to humanity by visiting, cheering and praying with cancer patients at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH).

The guild, which was accompanied by clerk of the Blantyre City Presbytery Reverend Buxton Maulidi, also donated assorted food and toiletry items worth K150 000 (US$405).

Chairperson of the group Stella Kachila said the visit was aimed at encouraging the sick to stand steadfast in prayer and continue trusting in God despite going through a painful moment of physical life.

“Every year, we go to the lake to celebrate our motherhood. But this year, we decided to celebrate the day by inspiring hope among the sick; to assure them that God is still in control no matter the pain they’re going through,” said Kachila.

She said the guild was encouraged to note that many patients held onto their faith even in the face of pain.

Addressing members of the guild outside the ward, Maulidi asked the women to continue praying for the sick so that “God can heal them as he did with Hezekiah.”

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