NRWB hands over latrines to schools
Northern Region Water Board (NRWB) through its Prince Talal award has handed over pit latrines to Kwakupokera Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) and Lusangazi Primary School in Mzuzu City.
The water utility won the K150 million award in 2019 for successfully implementing the Mzimba Town Integrated Urban Water and Sanitation project.
In an interview, NRWB director of operations Asumani Ungwe said they wanted to improve sanitation at the schools.
On his part, Kwakupokera CDSS head teacher Jaston Gondwe said learners were previously relieving themselves in bushes.
“However, we ask well-wishers to construct disability-friendly structures,” he said.
The school management committee chairperson Mordecai Jere said the facility will promote hygiene.
NRWB also constructed a water point at James Jere Village in Traditional Authority Kampingo Sibande.
Collida Nguluwe said people used to draw water from unsafe sources.
“Clean water is essential for personal hygiene,” she said. n