My man wants a kid out of wedlock
Hello BMW,
I have a problem I have been dying to solve but I guess with your help I can. I am 28 and have a boyfriend whom we have been dating for two years. He is now living in South Africa where he is working.
Everything was going on well until he came back home. We had agreed that he would meet my parents and start planning for our wedding but the changed tune and said we should have a child first. I was left surprised because I thought a child is supposed to be raised in a stable environment of marriage?
My man has gone back to SA angry that I did not like his idea. Lately he has been sending me pictures of baby clothes he has bought for our baby. BMW, I am being tempted to fall for it as I get old and my fecundity is waning.
S h o u l d I f a l l pregnant for him? I ask this question because most of my age mates are married and have children and I do not want to lose my man. But on the other hand, I am a religious woman who really does not believe in having children out of wedlock.
BMW, I need your help. What should I do?
Confused woman, Ndirande Malabada via WhatsApp
My wife is too moody for sex
Dear Biggie,
I married an amazing and beautiful woman whom I have two kids with. I love her to bits. But the only problem is that I can’t get her love back and I struggle to relate with her because she is extremely moody and bitter.
BMW, my wife is like a chameleon. It is so difficult to know if she is happy or not, if she wants sex or not. You can’t tell if she wants to eat or not or if what you have bought her is what she likes or not. She is hell to live with!
What is killing me is that every time I commit a marital crime such as taking a call from another woma n , sav ing a woman’s number in my phone, coming home late or merely doing something
wrong, my wife does not talk to me about it for days. She waits until the faults are too many and she brings them all to my attention. Then we argued the whole night!
When it comes to lovemaking, our sex life is as good as dead. My wife does not even give it to me for months on end. I have to beg for sex every time I need some. My wife does not want to be kissed. If we kiss, she just does it monyanyala. BMW, does this woman want marriage or am I wasting my time?
Please help!
TK, Mangochi via WhatsApp