
Scova adatani?

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Nkhani yavuta m’sabatayi ndi ya Nyerere kuti zidagenda pomwe zimasewera ndi Blue Eagles. Aganyu sitivomereza kugenda ndipo tafuna timvetsetse chomwe woimbira masewerowo Fransisco Scova adalakwa kuti nthawi zonse nkhani idzikhala yake.

Scova adamenyedwa ku Mwanza pa 30 May 2013 poimbira mpira wa Ntelo ndi Chinangwa Madrid. Osewera a Ntelo adakupa Scova ati amakondera Chinangwa.

Iye adatibulidwanso mu 2012 ku Zomba komwe Big Bullets imasewera ndi Red Lions. Iye adagwiridwapo poyimbira Silver Strikers ndi Bullets 2012. Scova kumenyedwa si nkhani.

Lero Nyerere za Wanderers zikufuna kumuyamwa. Kodi vuto ndi Scova kapena osewera? Nanga vuto n’chiyani kuti matimu azimudandaula nthawi zonse? Oimbira ena sanenedwa bwanji?

Tom adza ndi kalumo?

FAM tsopano yaitana mzungu wa ku Belgium Tom Saintfiet kuti aphunzitse Flames kwa miyezi iwiri. Mphunzitsiyu yemwe aganyu tizingoti ‘Uncle Tom’ akuti achita zonse mwaulere.

Kodi Tom akuganiza kuti sitingamulipire? Kapena wangomva kuti Malawi ndi wosauka? Iye waphunzitsapo ku Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Namibia ndi Tanzania.

Mwina Uncle Tom chuma chawakwana ndipo akungofuna kutithandiza. Koma izo zili apo, aganyu tikuganiza kuti FAM yafulumira kubweretsa kamunayu.

Flames ndi Namibia kwawo tidapambana. Panthawiyo Patrick Mabedi ndi Ernest Mtawali ndiwo amaphunzitsa. Magemu a Kenya ndi Namibia kuno kumudzi tidalepherana mphamvu, apo n’kuti Eddington Ng’onamo alipo.

Bwanji osayesa kaye makosanawa kuti tione luso lawo?

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One Comment

  1. The main problem with our referees is that they are also fanatics of other clubs, for instance, Scova is a die hard fan of Bullets.
    Its high time these refs must abide by their ethics and the refs plus soccer mother body should be checking to it that the ethics are followed by the refs and must be punished if they don’t follow them.
    Scova must be descplined as well.

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